Browser Routing

re-frame Integration

Pine comes with a collection of re-frame subscriptions, events and components to help you get started building a URL-driven application.

Integrating Pine with re-frame is a two step process.

Step 1: Register your routes

First, import This will register Pine's re-frame subscriptions and event handlers.

Then, import your route definitions and pass them to pine.router/set-routes!. This will make your route structure available to

  (:require [ :refer [routes]]
            [pine.router :refer [set-routes!]
            []])) ;; <- register subscriptions and event handlers

(set-routes! routes)

Step 2: Connect to HTML5 History API

Once you have Pine's re-frame integration installed and you've registered your routes, you should configure your application to dispatch :pine/handle-url-change whenever the user navigates using the browser's built-in navigation functionality. This ensure that your re-frame DB's :pine/location is always up-to-date.

Finally, you'll need to install a coeffect to update the browser's URL state whenever users trigger navigation events within your application. To do that, register a coeffect called :pine/update-url. The associated function should update the URL.

To see a concrete example of Step 2, read the next section.

Accountant Integration

Accountant is a small utility library that provides a simple interface to the HTML5 History API. It pairs nicely with Pine and re-frame, and can be used to automatically update Pine's location state as users navigate around your page.

Integrating Pine with Accountant is a two step process. First, configure Accountant to automatically dispatch a :pine/handle-url-change event whenever the user navigates:

  (:require [accountant.core :as accountant]
            [pine.router :refer [match-route]]
            [re-frame.core :refer [dispatch]]))

 {:nav-handler #(dispatch [:pine/handle-url-change %])
  :path-exists? #(boolean (match-route %))})

Then, register a re-frame coeffect to update the URL whenever :pine/update-url events are dispatched:

 (fn [url]
   (accountant/navigate! url)))

Using Pine with re-frame

TODO: Write this section - Dispatch :pine/navigate

Leave/Retain/Enter Events

Server Routing

Ring integration

TODO: Write this section