Running a development repl

in Spacemacs, ,sI will start a Clojure repl and a CLJS repl. When prompted, choose Figwheel as the repl type.

Testing pine

To run Clojure tests, run lein test at the command line.

To run ClojureScript tests, run lein test-cljs at the command line. Note: You may need to run npm install -g karma-cli

Releasing pine

Creating a new version of pine is a two step process.

Create a release

First, start by creating a new release by running lein release [type], where [type] is one of the directives indicated in the lein-v documentation.

For example, you might run lein release snapshot.

This will automatically generate a new git tag based upon the rules defined in the lein-v docs, and then push that tag to remote.

(Note: You must have at least one commit since your most recent tagged commit. If you don't, lein-v will throw an unhelpful error.)

Deploy to clojars

Then, deploy pine to Clojars with lein deploy clojars.


  • Make sure you've defined git config --global user.signingkey YOURKEY!!
  • Ensure you've specified {:user {:signing {:gpg-key "YOURKEY!!"}}} in ~/.lein/profiles.clj
  • If you see an error like Could not transfer metadata [...] ReasonPhrase: Forbidden - the version in the pom (0.1.3-DIRTY) does not match the version you are deploying to (0.1.3)., try deleting pom.xml and releasing again